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  1. No bids , placed
  2. Scizor auction ended ! Bozogamer25 With 200k bid won. Contact me in game.
  3. Auction for clefable ended. Kerosaki 155k bid. Won
  4. 3hrs left for clefable
  5. ^Bump
  6. Scizor C.O 200k
  7. Scizor C.0 : 150k
  8. 155k clefable
  9. Bid each Pokemon, not a bundle. Scizor C.O : 200k Start Offer: 149k each Min Bid: 49k Insta: Duration: 24 hours after the first bid. (Last 15 min Rule Applies) Accepted payments: Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars.
  10. Yeyyeye , am onn.
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