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Everything posted by Shenkins

  1. hi there i suggest playing in windows mode and just drag it over to the main screen :) There is no way atm to change which screen it pops up on
  2. it means you're in the queue just your not able to see it at the moment
  3. yes you can play on both server, no data from red will be on Blue
  4. Welcome to Pro, Blue server is fairly new so please expect unexpected crashes from time to time. Enjoy your Journey!
  5. hi there go here for more information - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19893
  6. Hi there please use Gmail to get the invite instantly, You will have to create a new account using the gmail as there is no way to change account emails at this time View this for more information - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19893
  7. hmm i dont think i have gotten my title yet either so yeah waiting game it is thanks Lafleur
  8. Post here and a Staff member will be able to assist you https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=71
  9. The Queue is there its just not Visible. Its a small bug that happens. when the logging in disappears you are in a queue just have to wait so you can get into the game
  10. this happens alot mate, Server Crashes normally get resolved within an unknown time span as it depends how fast the staff can work on getting it fixed up Game still in beta so expect the servers to crash
  11. Here's check this post it will help you : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19893
  12. Deal @Nech contacting you in a moment
  13. Hey there guys Please visit this link to view the gastly :) https://imgur.com/a/EQthX Make an offer - Minimal 5k
  14. 26 in april
  15. Hi there to get a Instant Verification use a Gmail account
  16. Thanks for this :D Helped alot i was confused on BF3
  17. i agree, it would cause players to have their pokemon name to be either Racist, Inappropiate or just plain Disgusting. Vote for no
  18. Gratz on the Position, Make hell of a good Maps for us to Play
  19. Wassup my fellow Pokémon Enthusiast. My name is Shenkins, I have been playing Pokémon since 1996 when Pokemon Red/Blue were released and I have loved every second of it. When I heard about the Legendary #151 Mew while still a Kid being in Pokemon Red and Blue I was scouring the Internet trying to find out how to get Mew legit and it wasn't until 2005 when I found a guide that a Friend sent to me to try and well...it worked. My pokémon red has the Mew and I was proud. I have been playing PRO for the past 3 days and I have to admit that it's not the same and is the same to the Original games. With Jesse, James + Meowth in Mt Moon waiting for you (if you have Pikachu as starter) to all the Pokémon you get to experience from Gen 1 to the Upcoming Gen 7 pokémon that will be coming in Sun and Moon My Dream Team
  20. account was created Yesterday around 5pm and i checked my email twice and never received got them So i did create one with Gmail and it worked instantly. Checked the Link you posted before also last night
  21. PRO Username: Shenkins Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing What have you already tried to solve the problem? signed up a second username under same email Description and Message The email i used was a Comcast email.</I> <I> Can you force send them or tell me if it's comcast side of things
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