PRO Username: Mozser
Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes
On which server issue happened: RED
What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing. I am unable to connect to the Red Server was just playing Hoenn yesterday, but now I cannot connect.
What have you already tried to solve the problem?
Re download the client (after deleting the current client I had)
still won't let me connect to the server always says "Can not connect to server" after trying to login.
This has been occurring all day.
Description and Message
I do not have to sell it to you if I don't like the offer.
Willing to accept trades involving other poke (must link poke)
Pokemon do not come with held item.
Epic Gale Wings Talonflame
insta: 1.4m
Epic Huge Power Azumarill
insta: N/A
Good IV Steelix
insta: 180k
Epic Moxie Honchkrow
insta: N/A
Epic Natural Cure Roserade
insta: N/A
Epic Yanmega
insta: N/A
Epic Slaking
insta: N/A
Willing to buy budew with either a modest/timid nature with 15+def 28+spd 28+spatk 25+spdef 20+hp
Male adamant ralts 25+ atk 15+def 25+spd 20+spdef 15+hp
payment will be good.
Yeah definitely agree with this. I have to wait another week to fight the pumpkin king due to me challenging him with a relatively week team compared to what I have now (my team has beat every other boss). Would be cool to see a 72 hour cool down, but you had to bring in at least one different pokemon into your team for the battle than what you previously had when you fought the boss.
<t>Hey I beat Erika today and she gave me a shiny stone and a leaf stone. You should add that to the list of rewards.</t>