Just tried again today while using a friends Lv89 Gengar. I got up to the 3rd trainer and she knocked out all my pokemon w/ the Mega Gengar. Updated team is below, not really sure how I'm supposed to beat her if she does that.
I see, I'll have to try that. I decided to go and try to beat the 1st E4 trainer and I did. I guess I'll now go find a releaner and give my Absol, Sucker Punch and level my pokemon a bit higher.
After a few days, I finally got through the last few gyms and now working on E4 in Kanto. My only thing is, I feel like my squad sucks except for a few and I'm just looking for some suggestions on what to do. Here's my squad, anything will help. Thanks
If I remember, someone apart of the staff in the IRC(chat) said that sometime between now and sometime next month, they're getting another server along with this one. I believe its either a max of 1400 players or 1600.
I mean, I'd be able to get Squirtle or another starter if I could beat the first gym and move on. Keep on getting smashed by Brock as he 1 hits every single pokemon on my squad.
So, I'm Kyle and been playing other game servers for a while now and a friend told me about this so I decided to join. Already played in-game but not that much since I don't like my starter Pokemon and want to restart. Anyways, cya -in-game!