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  1. Closed for the time being, focusing on my own mons.
  2. ° what can you contribute to Eternity? At the moment I have recently gotten back to playing PRO. I have two accounts that have recently finished Sinnoh, and will be linking both of my accounts below, but will mainly be on the "Maverick3U3" account as that is my most recent account upon returning. Due to just returning, I may not be able to get into PVP right away, and never really did PVP in the past, so at the moment I can contribute via PVE stuff such as EV/Level up training, and so on. However, I am used to PvPing in some extent as I've done some PvP in the main games and on Showdown. My current goal is to get all four of my accounts to Sinnoh, and to complete all of the post-game quests to accumulate more wealth over time, and finally get into PvP. ° what is your real life and ingame name? Steven - Maverick3U3 ° how old are you and where are you from? 21 - United States ° discord tag? how often are you online there? Altair#3255 - Online practically every single day. ° screenshot of your trainercard https://prnt.sc/uncrsz - "Maverick3U3" account trainercard. https://prnt.sc/uncsgk - "Flypikachu" account trainercard. Total of 320ish hours.
  3. As agreed via Discord, total price is going to be $197,750 for training your 4 Pokemon. Putting this here as reference.
  4. CURRENTLY CLOSED UNTIL OCT 4, 2020 Welcome to Maverick3U3's Level/EV Service Shop! I will try to get your Pokemon back to you in a timely fashion. (NOTE: THIS IS A SOLO RAN DAYCARE, DEPENDING ON # OF POKEMON BEING TRAINED/# OF PEOPLE IN QUEUE, TIMES MAY VARY.) Do not want to post on forums? Contact me on discord! - Altair#3255 using app format - I highly recommend this option as we can get real time DM's going. PRICES: EV: 40k - Full EV (510) 20k - Half EV (252) LEVELING: Lvl 1 - 45 > $750 per level Lvl 46 - 90 > $1250 per level Lvl 91 - 95 > $2500 per level Lvl 96 - 100 > $6000 per level 2nd Stage - 1.2 normal (1st stage) price 3rd Stage - 1.5x normal (1st stage) price APP FORMAT: IGN: Timezone: (CST, EST, etc.) Pokemon Species: (Bulbasaur, Charmander, etc.) Starting Level: Finishing Level: EVS Wanted (If applicable): (EX: 252 ATK, 252 DEF = 510 Full EV \ 252 ATK = 252 Half EV) Preferred Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up: CURRENT QUEUE: 1. IGN - DATE - REQUEST LINK - # OF POKEMON TRAINING 2. IGN - DATE - REQUEST LINK - # OF POKEMON TRAINING 3. IGN - DATE - REQUEST LINK - # OF POKEMON TRAINING 4. IGN - DATE - REQUEST LINK - # OF POKEMON TRAINING 5. IGN - DATE - REQUEST LINK - # OF POKEMON TRAINING FINISHED REQUESTS: 1. Malvadao - 9/22/2020 - 9/23/2020 - REQUEST LINK [BEFORE] - <4> POKEMON TRAINED - PROOF [AFTER]
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