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Everything posted by Liuzzz

  1. hello admins, i was in pvp today and it was sableye against snorlax. i used like 10 times will-o wisp but it always failed. i know that its just 85% but it was really strange... - 10 times fail. i think its a bug, that immunity dont just includes toxic. maybe you could check that? thanks :')
  2. Re: wts god garchomp <t>my offer is 3,65 m</t>
  3. closed. sold for 2,25m insta to blacksunday
  4. 1,3m by cov3rrr
  5. https://imgur.com/JUYLqI5 wts crawdaunt ada h.a. atk 28 def 29 spd 21 spatk 31 spdef 19 hp 02 epic pvp maschine. current offer 1,2m ny stickpresenter insta 2,5m bid ends 3 days after last offer. hf guys :)
  6. Re: Shyntil's PvP Shop - Untrained mostly <t>how much is mamoswine? can u pm me plz ingame. liuzzz</t>
  7. Re: Shyntil's PvP Shop - Untrained mostly <t>400k for mamoswine, plz pm me.</t>
  8. thanks for accepting the refuse offer. i found another bisharp. but its a really good one, wish u GL all
  9. hey, i am looking for epic hippdown ( means 20+ def hp spdef atk (spd)) plz pm me in game or write me here: liuzzz thanks a lot =)
  10. wtb epic tyraunt! h.a. plz add me in game of write me here ! liuzzz
  11. hello, i was in top 25 last season but didnt get pvp coins, is it a bug? my account : liuzzz plz give me an answer.
  12. want to buy epic togekiss timid 31. plz add me ingame or write me here LiuZZZ
  13. how much u want?
  14. hey guys im looking for epic timid mismagius. plz write me a pm here in forum. :Heart:
  15. Thanks for offer, but I think that 75k is too low. In total this Crawdaunt have only bad (average) nature and def ivs. It's hard catch him with hidden ability, but thanks. :) how much you want for him
  16. crawdaunt 75k?
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