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  1. yes at breezy
  2. so now 1h left...
  3. c.o. 4m Raazer1 Auction ends in 48min, cause started at 8:03 with the offer of Serafin
  4. 3,7m by AriesSlinger less then 1h 30min
  5. c.o 3.5m by Popinsmoke 13h left
  6. bump
  7. 24h left c.o 3,2m
  8. b.o Raazer1 3m2
  9. So ending in 36h and 30 min, c.o. 3m by Sefolettin, insta 9m
  10. is ending not ende ;)
  11. up
  12. cc accepted as 420k
  13. so auction has started c.o 3m from Sefolettin. min bid 200k, Insta 9m ended in 47h and 30min
  14. Starting BID 3m, Insta 9m Min Raise 200k Auction starts with first Offer for 48 h. Good Luck
  15. for the next 20 minutes every poke for the half insta price
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