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About Bfgo

  • Birthday 01/03/1878

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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. No, it is not possible and you will have to wait for the TM Fire punch to be added.
  2. No, my point is a cute bear that's supposed to hug you, has a chance to turn into a dangerous bear using facade on everything it sees lol. I do want to see a VDay Ursaring, just having a hard time imagining it. + I feel like making the forms for all the variants would take a reaally long time.
  3. While it is sad, and would be nice to have.. I just don't see a huggy teddy bear turning into a beast that could slaughter everything it sees, and still maintain its huggable appearance.
  4. Sent, I'm mrrpiano or God-ishu on Discord.
  5. WTB Tingle set
  6. If I'm still able to bid, 750k
  7. Nope, no such thing exists.
  8. Oh, if that's the case, this would be pretty cool to have, seeing a bunch of highlighted mons in the spawn tab would be better than manually checking for each one. Thanks for the response, +1
  9. I don't understand this suggestion at all..
  10. I honestly feel like 4 wins for 1 chest is fair already, considering anyone could just queue and play for free rewards. You don't require a team, any time investment, you could just straight up queue and fight random people, win and potentially get a reward worth millions. And you want to make it faster or easier? Regular PvP requires you to have good Pokemon, actual strategy, and the knowledge to use your team properly, as well as knowing how to play against your opponents teams. In Random PvP, I could get a random Dunsparce with Serene Grace and start destroying an opponent because they were unlucky with their Pokemon. Alot can get frustrated, and even you could be the frustated one, but that's all what Random is about. You're either lucky or unlucky. Overall, in my opinion Random is way easier and doesn't require any changes to it.
  11. Yeah, those are what I most struggle with. I do intend on learning more on these & currently am. Thank you!
  12. I wanna show my drawings more, so why not do it here?
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