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About Bfgo

  • Birthday 01/03/1878

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  1. 300k mudkip!!
  2. 800k!!!
  3. Start 400k
  4. Hello! Thank you for choosing me as one of the winners. I forgot about this entirely, and I just noticed now that there were rewards. Is there a way I could redeem? Thanks, -BFGO
  5. The angelic BFGO here to deliver presents!
  6. Oh, I won? Lmfaoo, ping me in discord whenever you're available. I don't really check forums all that much.
  7. 1m fr no cap (real bid btw, I got outbid elsewhere and I don't plan in going higher )
  8. -1, I genuinely think this idea is dumb, and has no purpose.
  9. +1, though If mega evolved outside of battle, what'll happen once you enter a battle? Will it still be mega evolved? Will it revert back to its normal form once in battle? And like @Bijoumodesaid, I assume It'd be quite hard to implement. I'd want to see it cause It'll look cool, but to be honest, the idea sounds hard. But again, +1.
  10. As the title states, I want to have the option to turn off those pop ups you get in the top right whenever a friend goes online. I have some friends that Level up & EV train and constantly relog to speed up their work, though I'm slowly getting annoyed of seeing "Friend came online" popping up every few seconds, Especially when I'm trying to record something. And as for the sound it makes, I know I can turn off the SFX Volume, but it would be kind of dumb for me to turn off all the SFX in the game just to avoid that one sound. Now I'm not sure if this already exists, but I already looked everywhere in the options, and the social settings to turn it off, though I couldn't find such thing. If it already exists, please tell me. And if it doesn't, please add it. Thank you, from BFGO.
  11. Holy moly, that would be amazing! If this gets implemented, I would really hope to see a failed High tier shiny encounter. Very evil, and I love it.
  12. I mean again, players can disable the feature and even hide their names from being shown, so I don't see that being a problem anymore.
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