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Fcuk12's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I will be away for 2 days as I am traveling. I will message you in forum so we can meet in game and do the transaction
  2. Post your pokemon even if they are not so epic, will accept 25+ in ivs too
  3. Up :Cry:
  4. 10 am london time this saturday?
  5. Re: Aarathen's Mart (New Epic Poke) <t>4 ms for starmie (520k) my last offer</t>
  6. Re: Aarathen's Mart (New Epic Poke) <t>3 ms for starmie - 390k</t>
  7. Re: Aarathen's Mart (New Epic Poke) <t>2 memberships for starmie (260k offer)</t>
  8. Deal and deal. I will be online tomorrow at 8pm GMT+1. I do apologize about not being on tonight, have been doing college work due for tomorrow. When can I find you in game? (London time here)
  9. Bump :Cool:
  10. Thank you and thanks for the fast reply, most people are taking days to reply.
  11. 1 ms and 80k for togekiss (200k offer)
  12. 120k for umbreon
  13. Re: Juv3's mart <t>125k for snorlax</t>
  14. up :y:
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