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About Zedivan
- Birthday 08/09/1996
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Newbie Trainer (1/12)
1) Refighting trainers every week. I know you can use the teleports, but if you wanna do the daily stuff (headbutt trees, excavation sites, etc) you still have to go through the routes and feel the pain. It takes at least 6 hours to refight them while doing headbutt and excavation sites, and you have to do that every week. 2) The exaggerated rarity of some Pokémon, especially in Hoenn region, where it takes like 20 minutes to find Pokémon that are super common in the original games like Shroomish, Electrike, Ralts, Trapinch (and pretty much every 3rd gen Pokémon not named Zigzagoon, Wingull, Poochyena, Lotad). That's probably 'cause their evolutions, Breloom, and Manectric/Gardevoir (if they ever introduce megas), are popular PVP Pokémon, but since when is a Pokémon's rarity based on its PVP viability? Make Slowpoke extremely rare then lol. 3) Because of what I said in point 2, building decent PVP teams on your own takes ages, after +700 hours of playtime, I had like 2 boxes of decent Pokémon. I recently got XY and ORAS and in just 200 hours I have +3 boxes of perfect Pokémon (bear in mind each box stores 30 Pokémon there). I know PRO is a MMO and things are supposed to take longer here, but still I think it's too much. You can buy 30 MS, sell them and use the money to get all the Pokémon you need, but it's just not fun that way. 4) The metagame is way too different compared to the original games, no megas, lack of many popular OU Pokémon, especially legendaries that will never be in-game, only some players who got lucky can use Mew, Celebi and Jirachi, lack of very important items, etc. Gonna be even more different now that Sun&Moon come out, if there are no megas yet, I don't think new stuff like Z moves would be here anytime soon. 5) Everything that's good get nerfed really quick, excavation sites, Fletchinder in trainers valley (rip Talonflame if they update Gale Wings anyway), Larvesta in Love Island trees, and more. Those are the reasons why I stopped playing this game, which I used to love for months. Summer event brought me back for some time but it didn't last. I'm sure some other players who left share at least one of these reasons. Edit: to clarify, I'm NOT blaming staff for anything, I know some of these points are really hard to code, like the rebattling thing and megas, and others won't be changed cause they want to keep a MMO environment, like rarity. I just stated the reasons why I'm not playing anymore, cause that's what the thread creator asked.
So not only the 3 suggestions were insta declined but also one of the best bosses was (or will be) nerfed, wow ._. guess I'll better try not to suggest anything else lol
Hey, after seeing I'm not the only one kinda disappointed about some bosses rewards, I'd like to suggest a few changes. If you don't feel like reading so much, just skip to the "Suggestions" part. First, I want to mention the bosses that I think are [glow=green]actually worth fighting,[/glow] those are: Sage: My personal favorite boss, his reward is amazing, beating him grants you an Eevee, a Pokémon that's hard to get. You can get 1 every 2 weeks if you beat him, chances of getting a good one are very low, but still a great reward. Naero: Access to egg moves and pretty good Pokémon rewards, (unless you have a terrible luck and get Smoochum 3 times in a row, heard that happened to someone) Brock: He will always give you a Big Nugget plus another cool price (except the PP UP, but you still get the Big Nugget, so it's ok!) The Pumpking King: Good Pokémon rewards, except Lotad that's now easy to find in Hoenn, but still ok rewards overall. Jessie/James: Most Pokémon they give are hard to get, plus Silver Disc for Porygon is great. Nikola: Great for those who lost their chance to catch legendaries. Bosses that give you story progress or access to maps: this includes Lance, Maxie, Archie, Red and Youngster Joey. I'd like to add more, but that's all. Yes, some other bosses might give you good rewards, but let me quote what another player commented in the Ingame BOSS guide ^That, you have a very low chance of getting a good reward, however the rewards you get if you're not lucky enough to get the cool one are underwhelming. I'm fighting all bosses every 2 weeks since I started playing around 4 months ago and I gotta say waiting 2 weeks to fight a NPC with a full level 120 team that has Mega Evolutions and legendaries just to get a PP UP, Max PP, Charcoal, abundant/common Pokémon, etc is awful. So now let's go to the suggestions. [glow=red]Suggestions:[/glow] 1) Rewards based on skills+luck instead of just luck: Most bosses are a piece of cake if you know the right moment to boost a Pokémon, like using x6 Dragon Dance, x6 Calm Mind, x3 Sword Dance + a priority move, etc. Now with Evasion coded, Double Team/Minimize can be easily abused too. Do that and you'll sweep a boss team. Using items like Revives, Potions and stuff is another way to make them even easier. I often use setup moves and revives myself, but I accept it's not the fairiest way to beat a boss. So my suggestion is that you start the boss fight with a decent chance of getting the best reward, and said chance decreases each time you use either a boosting move or a restoring item. You can still get a good reward if you used 6 Dragon Dances, but the chances are lower, and you can get a bad reward even if you didn't use any boosting move/restoring item, but chances of getting the good one are better. This would also encourage people to think of a better way to beat bosses instead of just boosting a Gyarados like there's no tomorrow. I imagine this suggestion being pretty hard to code though... 2) %100 Hidden Ability chance in COMMON Pokémon given by bosses: This idea came to my mind last time I beat Wargreymon boss, he gave me a Vulpix... like, really??? Not that I don't like Vulpix, it's one of my favorite 1st gen Pokémon but... I could easily travel 3 cities to the south, enter Cinnabar Mansion, then get myself loads of Vulpix, and even synch them! But what if instead of an ordinary Vulpix, he gave me a Drought Vulpix? It woudn't be that bad, and it wouldn't be an OP reward either, I'd still need to be lucky with the nature and IVs. Can be implemented with many Pokémon, for example if I get a Carvanha or a Shroomish from a boss I'll be like "meh another trash reward I could get myself in 10 minutes" but if it was Speed Boost Carvanha or a Quick Feet Shroomish instead then it'd be ok! This suggestion only applies for common Pokémon, the rare ones still have their usual 5% h.a. chance. As for Pokémon like Marill or Houndour whose h.a. isn't convenient, let them have the right one (Huge Power / Flash Fire in those cases) And super common boss reward Pokémon like Gastly, that can only have 1 ability... at least let them have the right nature (Timid). 3) No More TMs! I currently have 7 Shadow Claw TMs and 8 Solarbeam TMs, just to mention some, all of them from bosses. TMs are imo a terrible reward, I can't do anything with all the TMs I got, nobody is gonna buy them 'cause people can easily get them in stores or gyms for 2k to 10k, and I'll never have enough Pokémon to spend 8 Solarbeam TMs anyway. If a boss is gonna give you a TM, then at least let it be a TM you can't get anywhere else (like Focus Blast) Hope you like at least one of the 3 :Grin:
Ingame BOSS [Updated July 19th 2017] with bosses Move Set
Zedivan replied to Leekhoasoooo's topic in Outdated Guides
Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <r>2 Shadow Claw TM's (got 7 of them now, all from bosses <E>:Nervous:</E>), 3 focus sashes, a Houndour, and 40k+ from Sgath.</r> -
Budew quest : 'come and see me another time'
Zedivan replied to Fullmetaldrogon's topic in General Support
He doesn't teach any attacks, he says he'll give you something if you show him a Budew, and then he "gives" you a battle, that's all. Just one of the many troll npc's you'll find in the game :Grin: -
James/Jessie boss can give you a Silver Disc as reward when you beat him/her, which gives you the chance to get more Porygon.
Agreed, fog looks cool in some maps but it's a pain for those without a good PC, especially when doing excavation sites. Would be great to have an option to remove it or just disable it when you set the weather effects off.
Not sure if it's the best but surf at Route 6 during morning and day, it's almost 50/50 Slowpoke/Psyduck.
Re: Jirachi quest (UPDATED) <r>100 Hoenn hours seem to be enough for Jirachi<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/8PUc7c1.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Tip: Bring as many balls as possible, Mew and Celebi were pretty easy to catch (2 balls for each one) but this one likes to eat Pokéballs, I had to use +40 ultra +30 great and a lot of normal ones even though it was slept and false swipe'd. Or maybe it was just me having bad luck lol.</r>
Re: Jirachi quest (information gathering) <t>Did you guys (those who can't enter Origin Cave) re-battle Rayquaza at the top of Sky Pillar? Not the one owned by Jackson but the wild one that re-appears there (once you have beaten the league I guess). I didn't know it was there but found it while looking for Latios. I think beating it might have something to do with getting access to the Origin Cave.</t>
Since I started playing Hoenn, some Pokémon rarity felt kinda weird to me, I didn't care that much 'cause I was solo'ing everything with Mudkip, but now that I finished the region and started farming, rarity seems even weirder. So I searched for my old Pokémon Emerald saved file and used it to check some original spawns and rarity (I know PRO doesn't have to be the same as the original games, but I just took Emerald as a reference), and I'd like to talk about that here. Pokémon I stated on the spoiler are just the ones that called my attention the most, but there are a lot more. Some maps got so many Kanto Pokémon that it feels more like you're in Kanto than Hoenn (Like the desert with all those Geodude and Diglett, Route 110 full of Voltorb, etc). I understand Pokémon like Bagon, Absol, Mawile, Skitty, Beldum, etc being rare 'cause they're actually rare. I also understand Axew, Riolu, etc. rarity 'cause Hoenn isn't even their region. But common Hoenn Pokémon like Electrike, Shroomish, Lotad etc. being rare and scarce on their native region... idk it's weird. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining or anything, I loved PRO's Hoenn and think staff did a great job with it. I'm just giving my opinion. If you check this link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23461 you'll see that most Hoenn Pokémon (from 252 to 374) are on tier 3-4 rarity. (Except Zigzagoon, that thing is everyhwere :D) I think many of them should be nerfed in order to make Hoenn feel more like.... Hoenn lol. That's all I had to say, I'd like to know other's opinion about this.
So I went to fight Arnie a few minutes ago, I remembered from my last fight against him his first Pokémon was an Electrode which was only spamming Mirror Coat, so I decided to send my Dragonite first and got surprised when this Electrode used Moonblast (an attack Electrode can't learn). So I switched to Magnezone to resist the Moonblast, and he used... Fire Blast!!!! What??? Was that a bug or is it supposed to have those moves to make the boss harder? I agree it should't just spam Mirror Coat, but come on, giving it an illegal moveset isn't cool either ;x
Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <r><QUOTE author="Vaati"><s> </e></QUOTE> Don't think it's that much, I was at 392 hours when I caught it.<br/> Had all Kanto and Johto Pokémon caught data (including Mew) and around 120 evolved, didn't have the legendary dog stone though.</r>
Not trying to steal Windypuff's thunder, but I think this is directly related to your PC. I've logged thousands of hours playing PRO, and I have never lagged for longer than 10 seconds when opening the bag. When you play PRO, do you typically have a lot of other programs open? I sometimes do have Skype opened when playing, but freeze also happens when I don't. I'm playing on a laptop with 4gb RAM and Intel Core Duo 2 T6500 2.1Ghz processor, graphics card ain't the best though (some Intel integrated bad one), however this is the only freezing issue I had with the game, everything else works perfectly. I'm now opening items around every 10/15 encounters, and I'm doing fine so far, freeze doesn't stay longer than 1 second, thanks for your answers!
PRO Username: Zedivan Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Tried to open items bag. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing. Description and Message PRO Username: Zedivan Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Tried to open items bag. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing. Description and Message My client sometimes freezes after I click the items bag, I'm pretty sure this happens when I don't open the bag for either a long period of time or a high amount of wild encounters, so it's annoying when I'm looking for rares and open "Items" to throw a ball. The freeze stops after some seconds/minutes, it has never lasted enough for the game to afk-kick me so far, but once it lasted almost 5 minutes That's how it looks. I'd like to know if there's more people having this issue, and if there's any way to fix or prevent it. I'm using Windows 10.