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Everything posted by Xodass

  1. Siete ancora attivi? Sarei interessato
  2. I'm interested in Munchlax and Vulpix (Low lvl pokes). My offers are: 40k for the Munchlax and 50k for the Vulpix
  3. Ciao raga vorrei unirmi alla gilda, non sono un tipo da pvp ma mi piace farmare, in game sono Xodass, fatemi sapere cosa devo fare per unirmi a voi
  4. Pm me or answer the post with your offer and a pic of the poke you want to sell me.
  5. You still have it? Because if yes, I'm interested
  6. Rhydon (Epic-Adamant-Ev Trained) Gyarados (Adamant-Good Iv's) Azumarill (Adamant-Huge Power-Good Iv's) Gengar (Timid-Good Iv's) Pm me for offers.
  7. Pm me for offers. Here's the poke
  8. A rate and price check for this ?
  9. What is their price?
  10. Pikachu: Gyarados: If you are interested, pm me.
  11. For offer pm me
  12. Hi guys i want to sell this Geodude pm me
  13. Hi guys, i want to buy a Razor Fang, pm me if you want to sell me one. :thanks:
  14. Togetic: Rhyhorn:
  15. Ciao ragazzi, spero di trovare qualche gilda italiana, se ne avete una e volete farmi joinare io sono disponibile :y:
  16. Thank you bro :Heart:
  17. Hi guys i just wanted to know the price of Prism Scale, can someone tell me? :thanks:
  18. Ciao ragazzi, ho accumulato un totale di circa 200h di gioco ma mi sono imbattuto in pochissimi italiani, potete dirmi se c'è qualche gilda? Almeno non mi annoio come quando sono con pochi amici :y:
  19. Oh,okay thank you for the informations!
  20. Hi guys, i was training my Gligar when i noticed that i need a Razor Fang to evolve it, can someone sell it to me or borrow just to evolve?
  21. Hi guys, i want to buy a razor fang, my budget is 20k and some ev berries, hope to find someone.
  22. Hi guys, i just downloaded the new version of PRO, but when i try to login it says that the version is outdated, am i the only one to encounter this problem? Or is this caused by the server issues?
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