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Everything posted by Goobis

  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <t>I Have tried to join the Discord link that you sent but dosent seem to be working if possible please PM another link or message me in game @Goobis Thanks for you time and condiseration</t>
  2. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Goobis <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> 63 hours currently<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> UK<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> I play PRO around 3 hours a day at the moment since i have to study <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> I have been looking for a group to help me gain a better understanding of Pokemon as a whole so that i can learn and help my friends improve also.<br/> <br/> Im 17 years old and a huge Pokemon and league of Legends Fan i spend most of my time on these games and outside of games i study graphic design and media</r>
  3. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! <t>Yeah dont think I will be making 150 Hours anytime soon so I dont think ill be able to join here :L too bad as the only thing i think i lack is hours in this game since I have been playing pokemon since the early 2000s</t>
  4. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! <t>1.IGN:Goobis<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? 100 hours quite a bit short of the 250 you need but mostly due to recent computer change and exams comeing up will be putting in much more hours soon :D<br/> 3.16 Badges and about to vs the Johto Elite 4<br/> 4.17 UK<br/> 5. To enhance my knowledge of competitive batteling and become good enough to teach some of my friends that dont know much more about the game<br/> 6. I Think im a nice enough guy and not only would i be a nice addition to the atmosphere but I beleve I would learn a lot from being part of the guild<br/> 7. I can Visit the Discord group at least once a day for a few hours<br/> 8. I am able to follow the guild and PRO rules and would love to join <br/> <br/> I think you should consider my application despite the play time because im willing to play more to boost it and i would love to join as it seems like a nice community where i can learn a lot and that i can hopefully contribute to in the future</t>
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