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  3. S.O 1m, minimum bid 100k, insta 3m. Auction begins after someone offers, 48 hour auction. Accepting CC 400k, Rerolls 720k, RC 6.5k You can offer here, discord or ingame, good luck! Discord: Lue#7027 (Can transfer the poke to gold for an additional cc)
  4. S.O 2m, minimum bid 250k, insta 5m. Auction begins after someone offers, 48 hour auction. Accepting CC 400k, Rerolls 720k, RC 6.5k You can offer here, discord or ingame, good luck! Discord: Lue#7027 (Can transfer the poke to gold for an additional cc)
  5. S.O 2m, minimum bid 200k, insta 4m. Auction begins after someone offers, 48 hour auction. Accepting CC 400k, Rerolls 720k, RC 6.5k You can offer here, discord or ingame, good luck! Discord: Lue#7027 (Can transfer the poke to gold for an additional cc)
  6. S.O 1.5, minimum bid 150k, insta 3m. Auction begins after someone offers, 48 hour auction. Accepting CC 400k, Rerolls 720k, RC 6.5k You can offer here, discord or ingame, good luck! Discord: Lue#7027 (Can transfer the poke to gold for an additional cc)
  7. pm me on discord Lue#7027
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