So, I don't know where to put this since it's not due to the moves themselves, but how the AI reacts to it. I discovered an exploit with the Disable status. Be it with the Disable move or the Cursed Body ability, the status itself is exploitable. To show an example of this exploit, I'll explain how my gym battle with Giovanni went. Considering his Mewtwo could OHKO most of my team and had an answer for every member, it was clear that I was under levelled. However, this is where the exploit comes into play. So my Gengar would go down to Mewtwo's Psychic and Cursed Body activates, disabling it. I send out Charizard and Mewtwo would attempt to use the disabled Psychic, of which would always fail until the effects wore off. If not for this exploit, I doubt I would've won that battle with my current team. Not without a lot of grinding, that is. Since I believe at that point my team was ranging between levels 58-65. I'm not sure if this was intentional or due to how the AI is programmed but I think this is worth looking at.