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Nhatdisk's Achievements



  1. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide (Added Giga Drain Tutor) <t>do I need to unlock something before I can get will-o-wisp? cant find it in celadon at the moment</t>
  2. Something similar to "Hello World" Insert obligatory greetings here Something about the game being great Non-offensive goodbye & good luck
  3. so Gen 1 pokemon caught in Johto counts?
  4. IGN: nhatdisk Hours played: 122 Activity: anytime after work, and sometimes during work (stop judging me!!) probs around 4~5h a day on average (if you see me on for longer, plz inform me or I will have to come up with some excuses to why I havent marked those tests) Badges: 16 Favorite Pokemon: Gardevoir (STOP JUDGING ME!!!), and Gengar cuz he's been awesome since gen 1, great sweeper. PRO: ehh, I love hunting, buying and selling exotic animals so there's that. Oh, and making them fight to the death against other trainers sounds sweet too Experience: I'm inexperienced, plz be gentle.
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