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Everything posted by Nicersmite

  1. 700k machamp is 500k, tenta 450
  2. Hi, noivern is 400k, R-wash is 750k, thank you.
  3. lol it was hard, now i'm online: Apophi
  4. 400k Weavel: 750k mamo: 500k ONLINE ATM NAME: APOPHI, contact me or Flexthedork#9251 on discord
  5. Jolteon hp Electric >.< Toxicroak is 800k Leafeon 450k 800k Don't forget that i can accept offers. Thank you
  6. Is not, i wrote him in private.
  7. 800k Weavile 800k Exeggutor 400k Which Pelipper?? Rotom 750k Toxicroak 800k Thank you
  8. Hi everyone, i'm back from a long time without playing, so i just decided to sell almost all my pokemons. I don't know well real evaluation of those that i got, so i accept offer for now. Feel free to ask, for everything. Good buy :P Thank you!! ___________________________________________________________ SOLD:
  9. I can't find you online .-.
  10. Prices lowered
  11. Sold i'm sorry, i'm updating topic :(
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