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About G6n2l5c7

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  1. Hi everyone, I have the same problem too :(
  2. Offer for my Pokemon :Grin: No troll [glow=orange]Buizel[/glow] 1 2 3 4 [glow=yellow]Pikachu[/glow] 1 2 3 4 [glow=red]Magby[/glow] [glow=blue]Shellder[/glow] [glow=red]Houndour[/glow] 1 2 3 [glow=black]Sneasel[/glow] [glow=white]Togetic[/glow] [glow=red]Vulpix[/glow] 1 2 3
  3. I don't defeat all legendary dogs, I only see!
  4. Ok, thank you :Frown:
  5. Description and Message PRO Username: G6n2l5c7 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE Description and Message I see the three legendary pokemon! Why does'nt it work?
  6. Up! I like it!!! :Grin:
  7. I have Galaxy S3 LTE with CM13 unofficial, but the client loads until screen. :Cry: I've tried with my Jiayu G3S with custom ROM and it works perfectly, but with lags! It has only 1GB RAM :Nervous: Edit: I solved with CM11 official.. But I don't understand. Why does it not work with CM13?
  8. Ok, grazie lo stesso :y:
  9. Vedo che sei italiano ahahah comunque, potrebbe essere un problema di RAM in quanto PRO richiede "1.5GB+ recommended" e l'S4 ha giusti giusti 1.5 giga, quindi potrebbe essere quello. Ho la variente del S3 (Galaxy S3 LTE) con 2GB di RAM quindi non dovrei avere problemi in teoria :Cool:
  10. Yes, I have recommended requirements! Ps. I'm italian :Grin:
  11. On Samsung devices below S4 (yours is an S3), PRO has problem with Touchwiz, the Samsung home screen app. The only way you have to play is to flash cyanogenmod on your device following this tutorial -> https://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_i9300 If you are not an expert android user, don't try installing cyanogenmod because it would be difficult and dangerous. I have cyanogenmod with Smart launcher 3!
  12. Yes, you can play in the tablet. Try the download with PC and after to copy in the tablet.
  13. PRO Username: G6n2l5c7 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: None What have you already tried to solve the problem? Try more times Description and Message Hi, new client doesn't work on my device i9305. It loads until screen. :Cry:
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