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  1. : PiplupCry: yes, I understand, but I got on route 126 and, when I get to the entrance, I can't get in, because he says I have nothing to do there and I still haven't won at the gym, because my internet, so I'm asking for this teleportation, I just need to fight with the academy master. So, I'm asking you for the last time to take me to the city of Sootopolis and I'm not going to bother you, but. I hope you understand that I am telling the truth.yes, I understand, but I got on route 126 and, when I get to the entrance, I can't get in, because he says I have nothing to do there and I still haven't won at the gym, because my internet, so I'm asking for this teleportation, I just need to fight with the academy master. So, I'm asking you for the last time to take me to the city of Sootopolis and I'm not going to bother you, but. I hope you understand that I am telling the truth.
  2. Olá, estou com um problema. Eu estava na última academia na cidade de Sootopolis, estava brigando com o cara da última academia, mas minha rede caiu e voltei para a cidade de pacifidlog, você pode me enviar para a cidade de Sootopolis? Ou isso não é possível?: : PiplupCry: Hello, I have a problem. I was at the last gym in the city of Sootopolis, I was fighting with the guy from the last gym, but my network fell and I went back to the city of pacifidlog, can you send me to the city of Sootopolis? Or is it not possible?
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