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Everything posted by Leeluckya

  1. wtb 18 mons ev Services spd all over 40 , all buy 900k , if you sell ev tell me here can wait 2-3 days because have 2 siglyph and 2 cutiefly , lvl 20 sigilyph spd+hp lvl 21 sigilyph def +hp lvl 69 cutiefly spd +spatk lvl 23 cutiefly spd+hp reuniclus spatk +hp +6def marowak camerupt atk +hp+6 def 7 mons all spd+spatk+6 hp 4 mons all spd +hp +6def 4 mons all def+hp +6 spdef
  2. insta 1m but i need tomorrow can trade
  3. lend can Keep the level unchanged and then use it multiple times
  4. because have 2 siglyph and 2 cutiefly , lvl 20 sigilyhp spd+hp lvl 21 def +hp lvl 69 cutiefly spd +spatk lvl 23 cutiefly spd+hp all 33mons all spd All over 40 15 mons all atk +spd 252 +6 hp 7 mons all spd+spatk+6 hp 4 mons all spd +hp +6def 4 mons all def+hp +6 spdef 2 mons all atk +hp+6 def 1 mon spatk +hp +6def
  5. 08-28 20点到 08-29 20点 (24小时) 举办一个抓宠比赛 (奖品以及规则由 洛托姆洞主提供创办) 奖品:如图所致 第一个稀有皮肤 奖励圣诞牙牙 之后其他任意稀有皮肤最高iv 奖励皮卡丘 任意稀有宠最低 iv 奖励普通牙牙 参赛人员:群内所有人,禁止脚本 (获奖人员需发精灵完整截图)
  6. i want know , pvp wings ,Can transactions be made in specific months ? for example PVE mount, or can never trade, can only obtain it yourself through PVP because i want buy reshiram wings, if who know , please tell me
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