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Everything posted by Mangoschorle

  1. pls no i got ms and still horribl idea. i discussd that alrdy yesterday in the ingame chat,what u guys dont understand is that they loose money long term and it doesnt benefit the game at all.
  2. i waited 2min,than the q poppd up,may wait a sec :)
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>i got nothin from that old ember npc tho´.</t>
  4. migration would just fak up the economy.i dont get the reasons behind it,just talk with ur friend which server ure at ?
  5. Actually i dont mind the grinding part,fine for me,the only thing that rlly rlly is annoying and takes a lot of fun especially for a pokemon game is that ure FORCED to not let ur pkmns evolve. i can understand the reasons behind it,but the differences r just way 2 high,for no real reason. doesnt help the game at all.
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