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Posts posted by Jhinhub

  1. ● What's your Name/IGN?

    My name is Phoenix. I have multiple accounts I play on atm my main account is "JhinHub" my other accounts are "EpitomeOfSalt" and "NuklearZer0"

    ● How old are you?


    ● Are you active in Discord?


    ● Where are you from?

    Alberta, Canada

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    JhinHub : 108 hours

    EpitomeOfSalt : 91 hours

    NuklearZer0 : 145 hours

    (I have even more hours on gold but im sticking with silver for now)

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    To learn how to pvp/build a comp. Learning general everything about the game

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    Have heard its a good guild and hopefully to be an active member and make an impact.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Hydreigon, Its a 3 headed dragon! why the hell not? lol

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    My little leopard gecko because shes chill and is fun to be with.


    **I know my main account(JhinHub) doesn't meet the hour requirement, but I plan to be at the requirement on this account within the end of the month. I hope with all my hours combined you guys will take an interest in me!**

    If you got this far, thanks!

  2. Are some Pokémon stuck in your party and you would like to have them removed?

    If so, please post a reply with your in-game name and your server. A Staff member will remove them from your team and place them in the last slots of your PC.


    Please remove all items held by your stuck Pokémon, otherwise you may lose the items.



    Why did this happen?

    There are two possible ways why it happened to you.

    • Our client had a bug. All Pokémon you caught (Only counts for players in story mode) may had a wrong region as caught region. This means when you were in Johto, you caught Pokémon which were accidentally registered as Kanto Pokémon in our database. As you cannot use Kanto Pokémon in Johto until you have 8 badges, they will be stuck and cannot be removed as player.
    • A merge issue. Sometimes when you merge your account, while you haven't finished the story part of your current region, your party may contain few old Pokémon of your previous regions. As you cannot use Pokémon from previous regions until you have 8 badges in your current region, they become stuck in your party.

    When a staff member removes them, can I use them later?

    They will be locked in your PC until you have completed 8 badges in your current region. We can unfortunately not avoid that, but they will not be deleted!


    Can I avoid that?

    Sadly, no. However, once we have removed the Pokémon from your party, the bug shouldn't occur again.


    Will I get any problem when I don't let them be removed?

    No, but they are stuck in your party and you cannot re-order them.




    We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    NuklearZer0 | Silver Server | need the Feraligatr removed from my party7


    Hi. The Poke has been removed from your Party and is in your PC now :-) Have a nice day, M3ru3m
  3. NuklearZer0

    All the pokemon(they are all from different regions)

    Replace the last pokemon with any kanto poke.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi. I removed all Pokes except for 1 from your Party. Please put any Kanto Poke in your Party and let me know when you did then I'll remove the last one for you. Have a nice day, M3ru3m
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