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Everything posted by Radium93

  1. Welcome to pro and the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay
  2. Welcome back to PRO
  3. Welcome to the server and forums! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  4. Good luck to all that's join
  5. great content add as always team! keep the great content coming.
  6. https://pokemonrevolution.net/ServerStatus.php the server is down for the moment, check the link to see if the server is down or up
  7. welcome to the game and forums. Hope you enjoy your stay at this awesome game and forums!
  8. As a Norwegian person, it would be awesome to see some viking outfits appear. A insta buy from me if they add that
  9. Hi and welcome to this awesome fan game. Hope you enjoy your stay here at the game and forum!
  10. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Name / In Game name Radium93<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Hours played 39 hours.<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Where are you from ? Norway<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? If i got the time to play PRO I play it everyday<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? Been looking for a guild to be a part of since I stared playing PRO, The social part of the game is a important part for me since it makes the grind more fun when you got people to talk to.</r>
  11. Welcome to this awesome game!
  12. Welcome :)
  13. In my eyes the spamming in trade chat does not bother me since, its a trade chat so only talking in there should be selling and trading in it. So don't see the prolem with spamming
  14. Welcome back!
  15. welcome to the forums!
  16. I'm happy they did it. Ruins the fun for us that try to play this game legit! GG Admin team at PRO!
  17. with your team e4 should not be a problem! But good luck on defeating them
  18. Awesome catch :) Yea only need over 1300 hours to get as many shinys xD
  19. Does someone know what encounter rate shiny appear when going in grass and water?
  20. Been stalking the forums for guides already :)
  21. Hi, this is Joachin AKA Radium93 writing to say hallo. Been playing this game for some days now and it so much fun and brings back a lot of memories from my childhood playing this on gameboy color and gameboy advance SP Hope to see some of you ingame and chat
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