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  1. Re: WTS EPIC 100% Crit Togekiss/ Full Ev / Timid [iNSTA added] <t>him want to sell 5m+ lol</t>
  2. another thing i want said is. the computer box plz do each one with their own number. not just delete cuz that was in that space. when i saw why it signed me twice , i think it had problem. now my great pkm gone item gone....god bless
  3. Sry GMs cuz my lag,maybe. waste ur times. the problem is i had 3 pkm at the last box of my computer i want to delete the 2nd, moved it to release,showed u want delete it? the name of pkm all right. i did, yes Then, i push the 1st with me,in my active. then maybe had lag showed another thing,u want delete the 3rd? i did cancel, but when some secs later, i saw, thats didint delete the 2ndbut delete my 3rd pkm. thats the imprtant one. so if u can help me plz found or check it.ID 714116 himonlee lvl10.with Macho Brace. i think this is the server mistake, but i did right thing. i really saw what showed then press ok or cancel. plz refound it. if that would be possible. ty
  4. the problem is when battle a necessary NPC then disconnected, re log in , cant rebattle. i met this problem twice, the first at Ecruteak city, burn tower, the NPC: Yellow, her pkms' lvl are ??, idk if she is necessary, the second is at Manhogany city , vs team rocket, b2f. need to beat 3 Elecrtrode, but also, disconnect then cant rebattle, that let me cant do anything now cuz cant go to gym. ty for the GM. ur reaaly friendly. gl, and have a good day
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