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Posts posted by Gerrse7en

  1. Poke Time: 4:00 - 10:59 Morning, 11:00 - 12:59 Morning-day, 13:00 - 19:59 Day, 20:00 - 3:59 Night.




    Don't ruin the value of the item below, sell it at your own risk:

    Metal Coat-10k, Black Sludge-8k/10k, Nocturnal Feather-20k/25k, Dust Stone-25k/30k,Light Ball-27k/30k, Smoke Ball-25k/30k


    2 Way hunting Metal Coat without using Frisk Ability. Cheap hunt for starter trainer. Wild Magnemite and Magneton was holding it.




    Hunting Black Sludge without fail. You dont need frisk, covet or thief to hunt this item. Wild Grimer and Muk was holding it.


    Black%20Sludge_zpswyxoth13.jpg I already sold morethan 20pcs of this item. 16pcs left on my bag and 7pcs still on my pc holding by grimer.



    Fastest way of encountering wild Nocturnal Pidgeotto in route 16 specially to does looking for nocturnal feather.


    Nocfeather_zpsx7mlo0uj.jpg I sold morethan 40pcs of this item and so far i have still this 7 feather left on my bag. Result of my effort for night hunting.



    Highest chance of hunting Dust Stone specially to those currently non-member or cant afford MS Medallion.




    The right way of Hunting Light Ball, let's raise the 5% chance to 25% of hunting Light Ball holding by a wild Pikachu.




    100% Escape item from a wild poke, your read it right, Lv.5 vs Lv.59 wild poke? Trapping moves and abilities? No problem use Smoke Ball.


    Smokeball2_zpsstrjs6nq.jpg 6 Smoke Ball on my bag, 1 is holding by a poke, 2 sold, so far i got 9pcs in total. Be patient its take time to have one.



    Too tired of hunting Synchronize and wasted your pokeball? Enough wasting Pokeballs for Early Birds and hunt Synchronize Natu like a boss.


    SyncroNatu2_zpsjq2pgfin.jpg I catch 30pcs of natu, 27 synchronize and 3pcs Magic Bounce, Zero for Early Birds.


  2. All you Need is Auto-updater for all Data, in my own opinion it's giving a player a hard time to update there client for some reason.


    Every time that we need new update, the result will be complaining about it or about the game if the download is error or not running well.


    Bottom line is, now a days lot of people are lazy for updating there own game.. all they want is to play :) that's all thanks :y:

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