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Posts posted by Drunicorn

  1. 1. What is your name ?    DrUnicorn

    2. Where are you from?   Germany

    3. Are you a staller or planning to become one or do you  love stall ? (Don't lie) I really like the overall stall playstyle, tho I still need to find my way into PRO meta

    4. Are you PvPing or Planning to PvP ?  I do indeed plan to PvP, tho I haven't really played much PvP in PRO before. I have quite some experience from other games and draft leagues tho

    5. Will you respect other stallers ?  He who stalls shall be my brother, also a wise man once said "If it's not viable, play it with rest and sleep talk" and "Everything below 200 base defense should get off my sight!"

    6. Add a picture of your trainer card Looks quite bad in terms of PvP atm, tho the matches were with some unoptimized aggron-m team.



  2. Hello there!


    I just encountered a bug with hail damage.

    In the given situation, my bisharp was defeated by walrein, making me pick a new pokémon to fight with.

    The problem I encountered is, that the swampert I used to fight on took damage by hail on the turn it was picked to replace my fainted pokemon.

    This shouldn't be the case, as the replacement of a fainted pokémon happends after everything else in the current turn (e.g. leftover heal, all attacks, hail damage).


    In the screenshot below you can see...


    1. Hail is active

    2. My swampert has damage, despite the fact it has just switched in (Glacia didn't use entry hazards in this fight)


    I hope you can resolve this issue, should this bug appear in all gamemodes (which I assume), it could have a notable impact on PvP, too.








  3. Hello there!


    My proposal is just an esthetic one:


    Is it possible to remove the lines or overall animations of watermounts, that imply that the mount has partially pierced the watersurface and is swimming whilst diving?

    It seems a bit confusing to be underwater and see your mount have the normal swimming animation (as shown below) despite the fact it logically shouldn't.

    Is this a managable idea or wouldn't the work required be worth it?


    Best regards





  4. As the screenshot shows, Birch mentions me being the champion of Hoenn, which just isn't true at the given moment (just two badges). One might also be confused about what Birch is saying, if you haven't played the game before and know, that Steven Stone is the Hoenn Champion (potentially a spoiler, too).




  5. I noticed Swagger missing (confusion failed to have effect) but still boosting my attack by 2 stages as if it would've hit.

    For I couldn't take a screen, I'll have to rule some points out:


    1. I wasn't confused before and after the use of the move

    2. My Poké was a Combusken holding leftovers, so no ability or item blocking confusion

    3. Enemy Poké was a Poochyena using said move

    4. There were no effects on either side of the field, so no Guard Spec or Safeguard etc. could have blocked the confusion.

    5. The enemy was a two hit KO, the first hit already taking over half of the enemies HP. That means, it is unclear if it was just a visual bug or had an actual impact on the game.

    6. If a bug is confirmed for said move, Flatter should also be checked as it works similar to Swagger.


    Hope I could help.

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