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  1. Cansel
  2. Gonx2 win tnx for successful auction
  3. Gox2 win
  4. 1hr left remaining guys don't miss to win it
  5. 4.5m by brainslugs999
  6. Just put min bid 250k then if the auction finish you can pay me with cc cost of 350k each or poke money
  7. 2.750m by kharl
  8. Start at 6:10pm
  9. Start offer 1m Min bid 250k 72hrs auction (start at first bid) Accepting Cc=350k
  10. Suncity pm me
  11. S.o 400k Min Raise=50k No insta Start after first bid 36hour auction
  12. Kibitz the whale you bid ill start it to make it sure
  13. Sorry sir for my mistake it's my first auction here in forum
  14. -s.o by Kibitz 9.5m -Min Raise 500k -Insta 15m auction 3days auction Auction is done kibitz win
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