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  1. Hi, look like your character get stuck. There some ways for solved your solution: Using escape rope or lose battle from players Try /ref - wait 2mins and click go down Log out and shut down completely cilent and then relog it Reply if you tried all this and it solved? OMG!!! I got out...I lost a battle and I teleported back to the nurse!!! I am a newbie & didnt know that...!!! Once again, thank you MayElesa and btw I am following your walkthrough :D
  2. Can you maybe show a Screenshot of the issue, so i can get a General idea of the Issue ? here is it
  3. PRO Username: Tomcosg Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? I was just moving to find an NPC and then there was a problem with the network. After that, I found myself stuck What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried moving my character but impossible Description and Message
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