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About Migyz7

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Migyz7's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. IGN: Migyz7 -400++ hrs. -28 i dont really know how to play this game.. if i can learn and grow together, that will be a good thing..
  2. discord : Nezuko<3#9207
  3. Noted 25mins left
  4. Wrong time putted
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  6. Bump 2 hours left
  7. Noted 3hours left
  8. 400k by ngdevil 4hours left
  9. Bump 5 hours left
  10. Noted
  11. Someone just pmed me in game
  12. Hello im auctioning my godly ludiculo S.o 200k Min bid 50k Make an offer if u want insta Ends in 8 hours
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