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  1. If perfect there it is, thank you very much: D
  2. hello good evening I come to the forum because I would like you to help me with a problem (bug) that I have in the game for about a week. The problem is that most of the times that I enter the game, the first pokemon I have is exchanged for a ralts. which has caused me to lose several pokemon that I had caught and even a torchi that I chose as initial has been duplicated (I'm starting hoen). but what really brings me here is that today I lost a pretty good shroomish that I had caught a while ago and I lost it because of that bug I would like someone to help me solve the problem and if my shroomish could be recovered it would be great for that the truth cost me a bit to catch that shroomish PS: I don't know how to speak English so I used the google translator if someone who speaks Spanish could help me I would be great
  3. Hola hay algún chat en español de Teo del juego? ¿O algún desacuerdo en español? no se hablar ingles
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