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Posts posted by Kyl3xpro2

  1. 38840 4) Fix the map on the android versions. Me, my wife, and my brother all have galaxy s5's and none of them seem to work...at all

    5) make an option to close the chat window or minimize it. Every once in awhile i like to go into my own little world a grind out some IV's without seeing 1000's of "WTB ___, how do i ____, or ____ is muted for 10000 seconds"

    Thats all i got for now, hopefully this was helpful. just trying to do my duty as a "Beta tester" and give my input.


    This is already possible. Click the drop down icon lol..

  2. 37040 This is acutally something fun to do. Once someone beats this game and has nothing to do except catch them all <3 This seems like a fun thing to do.

    It is, Me and some friends are going to be doing it in the Johto region, we're just waiting for another friend to catch up with us.


    But I recommend spreading this so everyone can have a little more fun with this game.

  3. 36627
    36619 What you'll do is using the list below or a list you made yourself, the list i'm posting could be changed in the future depending on which types keep getting rolled and how effective those types are, but you can your friends if you choose to participate in this challenge, feel free to change the list or add anything you deem would be interesting, but as I was saying, Using the list below or your own, you'll roll the die or dice, the die or dice must be D20 Die, if you don't know what that is, it's a 20 sided dice, and once you've rolled your die, depending on which number you get, say you get a 5, according to list below 5 is Fighting type, but that doesn't mean you have to choose fighting type, this is where it gets interesting, You actually get 3 rolls, so say you first rolled a 5, which is fighting, you get two more rolls, do roll two more times, and which ever numbers you get match them up with the list, and choose One type among the three, much like you get a choice of 3 starters you'll get a choice between 3 different types, but it's completely random.


    that was the longest phrase I've ever read. And I've read it three times. And it still doesn't make sense...

    Read what I said to other guy above, it was an accident, posting it early.

  4. Re: Optional game rule to make the game more Challenging


    <r><QUOTE author="NoName2512"><s>

    </s><POST content="36639"><s></s>36639<e></e></POST> This seems like a good idea for fun experiment. Some types seem better then others due to the some types such as dragons being much rarer.<e>

    Yes some types are better but it's completely random if you use the Dice Roller I provided.</r>

  5. [glow=red]This is a suggestion more for Players and not server implement.[/glow]


    Okay, so some friends of mine have came up with a way to make the game a little more challenging, you CAN do this solo, but it's recommended to be done with a group of friends, and wasn't really intended to be done solo, but the way this is done is, you and some friends get a D20 die. or dice no more than Three, in reality all you need is One, but below I will provide a list of Pokemon Types, and numbers 2-19 that will correlate with them, and if you're asking yourself why 2-19? why a D20 die when they'res only 18 types? Well all will be explained, 1 and 20 will be used before and after the list of pokemon types as a critical win or critical fail, but that will be explained more into the post.


    If you do not have a D20 Die(explained below what it is) you can use an online automated Dice roll here Dice Roller


    What you'll do is using the list below or a list you made yourself, the list i'm posting could be changed in the future depending on which types keep getting rolled and how effective those types are, but you can your friends if you choose to participate in this challenge, feel free to change the list or add anything you deem would be interesting, but as I was saying, Using the list below or your own, you'll roll the die or dice, the die or dice must be D20 Die, if you don't know what that is, it's a 20 sided dice, and once you've rolled your die, depending on which number you get, say you get a 5, according to list below 5 is Poison type, but that doesn't mean you have to choose Poison type, this is where it gets interesting, You actually get 3 rolls, so say you first rolled a 5, which is Poison, you get two more rolls, do roll two more times, and which ever numbers you get match them up with the list, and choose One type among the three, much like you get a choice of 3 starters you'll get a choice between 3 different types, but it's completely random.


    And now on to the numbers 1 and 20, if by chance when you roll your die you get a 1, IF you're playing with friends and you roll a 1, They pick the pokemon type you will be playing with for the remainder of the region you're in. If by chance you roll a 20, You, Yourself pick your type to play with, but you can only choose one, and they can only choose one if you roll a 1.

    And if you're playing solo and want to do this, if you roll a 1 or 20, just reroll until you get a number between 2 and 19.


    Now on to dual type pokemon, those are allowed, say for instance, you get flying type, but the pokemon you want is Water and Flying, or Fire and Flying, etc. That is perfectly fine, so for example charmander even though it's not a flying type, it will eventually become one, so it's fine to use. So types that don't become to the type you chose until they evolve are fine.


    Also, say you get Psychic type, if there's a case where the type you get wouldn't be available to catch until later on in the game, you are free to use any type of pokemon you want until the point of capturing the Type of pokemon you got in your dice roll.


    Now that you get an idea of how this challenge works, have fun with it, and this is something you should probably do, if you even choose to do it, at the beginning of the game.

    [glow=blue]Additional Notes[/glow]


    Since this Challenge/Experiment is based around PRO, trading pokemon and buying pokemon is allowed, since getting certain pokemon can be tedious to get, so feel free to do so.



    [glow=blue]List Types and the numbers that correlate with them.[/glow]



    Your Friends pick your Type = 1

    Normal Type = 2

    Fighting Type = 3

    Flying Type = 4

    Poison Type = 5

    Ground Type = 6

    Rock Type = 7

    Bug Type = 8

    Ghost Type = 9

    Steel Type = 10

    Fire Type = 11

    Water Type = 12

    Grass Type = =13

    Electric Type = 14

    Psychic Type = 15

    Ice Type = 16

    Dragon Type = 17

    Dark Type = 18

    Fairy Type = 19

    You Pick your own Type = 20


    I hope you have fun with this, again if you think there needs to be stuff added feel free to tell me in the comments.

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