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Everything posted by Berkay06

  1. C. o: 30m by Trisco min bid: 1m Insta:40m auction ends after 72 hours of first bid Accept rr iv 500k / cc:400k
  2. C.O: 600k by Agate Min Bid: 100k No insta Accept cc (400k) Auction end after 48 hr of first bid
  3. The auction was over before Zoro0001 bid. Loe won. Please contact me here or in game.
  4. C.o: 350k by Curse23 Min Bid:50k 24 hours left after start No insta
  5. s.o: 200k min bid:25k 24 hours after start no insta accept cc 400k
  6. wtb porygon2 quiet h.p fire pay WELL
  7. wtb good ivs porygon2 (quiet) (download)
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