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Posts posted by Saud97


    There is a bug that needs to be fixed.


    To generate it ,Scenario:

    1.You open a pokemon stats from chat box.

    2. You catch a new pokemon.

    3. now the two pokemon stats are on top of each other, and the one showing on top is the pokemon from the chat previously.

    4. if you click the close button, the catched pokemon stats window which is below the showed window will be closed.


    Which is a wrong behavior, the window on top (from chat) should be closed not the one below it.

    Also, another issue related is that you can drag the window below and move it same thing as closing.





  2. Just to add, I don't know if this apply to the other caves in game.



    I discovered what was the problem in your client, it appears turning on V-Sync makes usage 9 times normal usage. I recommend either fixing the settings or removing it.


    When v-sync was on it was saying 144 fps and it was locked. However what I disabled it and set the FPS manually to 150 fps, it was 9 times lower usage of GPU and 5 times less CPU.



    V-sync makes GPU consumption 9x and CPU consumption 5x approximately.


    Hence this is why the PC fans were screaming and the pokedex was too slow (takes 5+ seconds to open)


    Disabling the settings have solved my problems but I believe other people will definitely suffer if this was not fixed.




  3. Greetings folks,


    I've noticed a very weird extremely high usage from the game. Whenever I enter this cave, the PC fans screams. After a little digging I found out that the problem is when I enter the cave GPU usage jumps from 40ish to 90ish.


    That is like saying caves consume 100% more resources while it doesn't make any sense at all. 


    Also I've noticed that pokedex takes really long time every time I open it.


    Last thing I wanna say is please try to optimise resources usage, why does the GPU usage jumps from 45 to 80% when I leave it on the login screen?


     I mean it shouldn't be doing anything at that time why does it consume double the resources.


    Just to clarify that my computer specs are way more than enough for this game.

    I have i7-9700k, 2080s GPU, 32 gigs of ram, and 1 TB SSD.


    Screenshots of usage:









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