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  1. @Maisa ign: Riphh
  2. i accidentally released my 31 speed abra which has inner focus ability i think please help in get it back thank you.
  3. Mudkip S,O: 300K Minimum Bid 100k Eevee S.O 300k Minimum Bid 100k I accept coin capsules worth for 400k DISCORD: LINGLING#7205 Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201217T08&p0=145&font=cursive ( Ends on this date regardless if it's sold or not)
  4. i bought a lending service from a guy already payed him for the pokemon but i didn't add him and he had a really long name so i can't remember and i can't return his pokemon can someone please help me the pokemon i borrowed were volcarona, darmanitan and infernape
  5. tell me your gmt and what time you gonna be on and ill wait for you @lustbug
  6. i am now @lustbug
  7. @lustbug yep ign?
  8. Start: 100k By: Min Bid:50k Ends: November 30 at 8am GMT+8 (regardless if it is sold or not) Time: :https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201129T08&p0=145&font=cursive ########### Accepted payments Pokedollars ########### Contact: Here IG: riphh Discord: LINGLING#7205
  9. Start: 3m Insta: 10m By: Min Bid:100k Ends: November 29wednesday at 8am GMT+8 (regardless if it is sold or not) Server: GOLD (Buyer is responsible in picking up if the person is in silver) Time:https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201129T08&p0=145&font=cursive ########### Accepted payments Pokedollars CC= 400k ########### Contact: Here IG: riphh Discord: LINGLING#7205
  10. @JeMatthie you won message you at discord pm there when you go online
  11. Okay added
  12. ow lol thanks added the picture
  13. Start: 500k By: Tessarax c.o 700k Min Bid:100k Ends: November 25 wednesday at 8am GMT+8 (regardless if it is sold or not) Server: GOLD Time:https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20201125T08&p0=145&font=cursive ########### Accepted payments Pokedollars ########### Contact: Here IG: riphh Discord: LINGLING#7205
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