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About Sailboatism

  • Birthday 10/09/1997

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  1. Thank you! I appreciate it. It's probably then due to my lack of bandwidth since my network isn't the greatest. Thanks for the support :Shy:
  2. Oh, thanks! I didn't know haha. I'm just used to quoting like I do on other forums.
  3. PRO Username: Sailboatis Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message The Live Chat recently has not been letting me connect, and I was wondering if it was a global issue or an issue on my side. I use the live chat to keep updated on when the servers come back up after crashes or maintenance, and in general to ask questions sometimes or get information. It's kind of my go-to right now, so I would like to be able to use it again. TLDR; Is the Live Chat working for everyone and not me?
  4. Thank you so much! I've had to ask a lot of questions :confused: So I'm glad I can rely on a forum! Very much so! I could see myself getting lost in this game for hours, and I actually do that most of the time ;_; Thank you! :Heart-eyes: Thank you, I've been using a lot of the guides but some things are still so confusing and unfamiliar, so I'll definitely be asking for a lot of help here! Thank you!!
  5. Thank you xD I main Lux! Well, I play mostly support and jungle but APC supports. When I play mid it's always Lux! And I play her support often as well, she is my fave c: I'm a Lee Sin jungler. The outplays are gud. We should play sometime together! Although I'm hooked on PRO and this new game, Tree of Savior, right now. Thanks! Yes! I love that site c: I've been using it so much recently.
  6. Ah! A league player! o: What champ do you main I'm actually like half a person 'cause I'm only functional every now and then, let's be honest. c: But it does seem like I do a lot ;_; ALSO: dabble means doing something not really serious, just for fun! Thank you very much! This guide was really helpful - the battle chart was amazing! Thank you very much c: Thank you! That's cool! c: Thank you! Yes! I've been using a lot of guides from here but also ones I've searched up such as battle charts and it has been really helpful! Thank you c:
  7. Hey there! I'm Sailboatism, but you can call me Sail if you'd prefer! I just started playing PRO this week and from the title you can guess, this is the first time I've ever played Pokemon before! I had a sad childhood apparently :Angry: I am completely addicted to this game, and I'm hoping to stick around because I'm progressing quite well in the hours I've played. I'm hoping that this community will keep me active, too. In other gaming life, I also play League of Legends, Summoners War (mobile), Guild Wars 2, Warframe, and I dabble every now and then into others. (My main game used to be Mabinogi, but Nexon killed me. If you ever want to talk to me about the good old days, hmu!) Other news: I'm a student, an avid reader and writer, reddit browser, a sometimes sketcher, a used-to-be dancer, an anime/manga fan, and a whole lot of other stuff! I love talking to people and making friends, so I enjoy chats :Angel: If you would like to be friends in game or such, let me know or add me! (Same ign :Heart-eyes: )
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