How old are you and where are you from?
I am 17 years old and come from the Netherlands
Why would you like to join Trinity?
I am looking for an active and fun PvP guild. Trinity seems the right guild to join. My friend ForgiveMe also recommended this guild to me. So thats why i want to join Trinity.
What is the highest rating you´ve ever got?
173 rating
How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now?
It depends but i play on average like 4 hours a day. I am niow on 380 hours playtime and i started 3,5 months ago (2020-10-20)
What else other than rating can you conribute to Trinity?
I can lend pokemon to guild members for story and i can also sell pokemon with a discount to guild members.
Add a picture of your trainer card in the application
What is your Discord ID? Willie#2565