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  1. Oh thank you so much!!
  2. Hi everyone, I think that I´m doing a quest for Turnbark Cave where is Giratina inside, but a NPC called Tourist don´t let me go inside. Is excesivesly strong. How can I defeat him?
  3. Okay thank you
  4. I´m the only user. No one knows my credentials
  5. No, I´m trying to catch Beldum. I´m here since last thursday
  6. No, I´m on route 226 in Sinnoh. In the battle tower
  7. Hey whatts up? Yesterday night, before switch off the game, I had 11 rare candies in my bag, and now I have only one. What happend here?? I want my rare candies back
  8. The quest of the fire island is that I need a full team of fire type pokemon but I need to do surf if I want to go to the island. Then I need one water type so I can´t do the quest when I arrive to island. What can I do??
  9. I log into the server and can´t take three steps when the server crashes. What happend?? It is my conection or is a global problem??
  10. Thank you so much It is solved
  11. When I started to play the game, I selected a charmander and when i´m playing I caught a pikachu. Well, then the problems appears. First of all, I trained Pikachu to level 13 and the next day dissapeared. I continued playing and caught another Pikachu. Then, a few days after, the second pikachu that I had on level 30 dissapeared from my team and appear the first pikachu on level 13. Today in the morning, I trained Charizard to level 50 and in the afternoon the Charizard dissapeared and appeared a Pikachu on level 42. Why?? I want my Charizard on level 50 with flamethrower
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