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Everything posted by Decapree

  1. hi, wtb adamant sharpedo @KenzoThePugare u online?
  2. up
  3. Hello, I can offer 3 m for it till tomorrow... if you intrest in you can message me
  4. Up
  5. BUMP
  6. Start Offer: 1m 500k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 3m Auction will end 48h later after the first bid. Good luck!
  7. Hi, I did the battles 1 time today and he is telling me this. I don't know what's wrong with this battles and I wanna learn.
  8. SOLD
  9. Sold.
  10. Auction ended. Congrats @Ventrue tell me when youre online for trade.
  11. 1,6m by @Ventrue 13 hours left.
  12. Started by Fjabio 1m 400k. 23 h left
  13. This ad will be open for 24 hours. Sold. 1.6m by Ventrue
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