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  1. update! my charmander seems to have vanished, the one that was duped and just sitting in the PC and seems like it's been replaced with my Raichu.
  2. while i'm no expert, i think there were some bugs regarding the beggining of the game - i was walking around bald with no outfit as well for awhile, and the problem seemed to have started only when i got a duped version of my starter.... might be a path to look into
  3. This started on my very first day on Pokemon. Somehow, my first slot pokemon (initially a pidgeotto) became a Charmander with the same IVs as my starter Charmander, and same nature, just with none of the levels. Few hours later, the pokemon on my first slot (Arbok) became a Pidgeotto, the one I lost before. Now, the pokemon in my first slot (Raichu) became the same Arbok I lost before. This is my first day, and it is quite demotivating to have this happen as its very confusing
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