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Everything posted by Boobik

  1. Hi, thank you for the offer, but I wrote on the top that they must be only Male so i cant buy this sorry ^^
  2. Hi I looking for buy shiny : all poke must be male List : duskull/dusclops ( defense nature ) klefki Prankster cottone or evo Prankster eevee /umbreon mimikyu We will definitely agree on the price;) Thank you ^^ Please write Here or priv msg or My discord: Boobik#1047
  3. in the game Boobik I will write to you on discord or priv msg tomorrow I'll be online
  4. Hello i buy this poke ^^
  5. Bump
  6. Up
  7. Close you can pay cash cc-400k rc 7.5k nature rr 350k iv rr 750k gl ^^ in game: Boobik my Discord: Boobik#1047
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