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  1. @Zeh1 unfortunately your bid wont count cuz the auction closed and the winner is @Sinistros
  2. Hello guys and welcome to this auction Information's that you need to know : - This auction is for the whole set. - S.O will be 1M & the min bid is 200k. - (No insta) - Auction duration will be 48H. Note : Accepting CC : 450K Rc : 6k RR : 500k
  3. The auction for alolan marowak closed and the winner is Giarex with 300k bid
  4. Auction for spiritomb closed at 09:15 pm +0GMT the winner is Cmcstn6 with 750k bid
  5. Hello guys and welcome to this multiple auctions S.o 200k min bid 25k insta 800k S.o 300k min bid 50k insta 1.5m 48h Auction (Sold) 48h auction (Sold) S.o 300k min bid 50k insta 2m S.o 400k min bid 50k insta 3m 48h Auction (sold) 48h Auction (sold) Accepting : CC = 450k RR = 550k RC = 6K Note : these are separated auctions and you can bid in one or all its up to you the auction will start after the first bid and will last 48h (+0 GMT) Good luck all
  6. Auction closed .. Rasta93 is the winner with 5m bid
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