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  1. I have no idea of this poem: There was a mime who fell in love with a man, but couldn't speak beacause she had sworn. Time has come for her to say it on her own.
  2. your poem is on rock tunnel 2, NPC has an orange hat.
  3. It was there, in viridian forest haze. Thanks man, i'm so gratefull!
  4. When I know your poem, I'll tell you.
  5. I haven't completed this mission yet, have you tried to go to the city of Lavanda? Ghost Tower. It could be there. i already went to viridian forest, but i will go again.
  6. Man, I must be really dumb, I walked all over kanto and I didn't find the NPC of this poem: From this forest where you plan to get horsea for me, i only think about you coming through this big tree. Please be patient, my love will set you free! Someone know?
  7. i'm stuck in this poem: It's the electricity that connects us, and it's the power outage that breaks us, love is electric, please accept my sweet kiss. anybody know?
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