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Drace2021 replied to Thodo's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
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BossTeam - How to Defeat every Boss in Game
Drace2021 replied to Drace2021's topic in NPC Battle Guides
Hi, sorry for responding to your message late. I've read your message and tried it myself. Here are some corrections and suggestions: 1- Bugsy can indeed instantly defeat Whimsicott, but after that, Shuckle uses Sweet Scent because my Shuckle has the Sturdy ability, following the default strategy for an easy win. However, you can increase your win rate by using Klefki instead of Whimsicott and use Light Screen. 2- This is easy; just follow the default strategy. Make sure you have a well-built Golduck in terms of defense and HP. You can use Pikachu to stack Flash before Golduck (you might get lucky and Flash him six times or unlucky with just one time, but at least you give Pikachu a chance to appear in the fight xd). 3- Togekiss swap because sometimes it wakes up round after round, and after use all PP, it switches out. I'll think about Cie and update later this topic. 4- "Officer Shamac DOESN'T WORK AT ALL because he swaps away Swampert (and if not)" - just read the strategy first. I use Banette to defeat him with Destiny Bond, so you'll never fight or boost against him. Follow the default strategy; he never uses Boomburst against Ninjask against me (I don't know if I'm lucky, but you can use Gorebyss because it has more defense and can easily tank Boomburst). 5- Once again, read the strategy first. You need Banette with Destiny Bond for Medicham, and then follow the default strategy. Swellow can't defeat itself because you'll swap your Lagging Tail for its Flame Orb. If he puts in the monkey, it's the same; just follow the default strategy. 6- Tigerous, yes, you can do that, but you can also use the default strategy. Start with DestinyBond If he uses Sword Dance, you use Protect and then Destiny Bond again until it works. If you have only two/one Destiny Bond remaining, then risk using Disable after Destiny Bond instead of Protect. 7- Ash is a problem, but if you're patient, if Dialga uses Roar, then change your Pokémon to Whimsicott/Shuckle/Golduck. After Dialga uses Roar 20 times, it won't have Roar again. But if you have a strategy that you feel more confident with, then use that. -
BossTeam - How to Defeat every Boss in Game
Drace2021 replied to Drace2021's topic in NPC Battle Guides
Ty for feedback. I didnt see that she had focus sash, But you can easily do this boss ez, if you put focus sash on your pangoro or use shuckle lvl 100. Ty for your correction. -
Jolly Halloween charizard very good ivs
Drace2021 replied to Cotinho's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
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Drace2021 started following BossTeam - How to Defeat every Boss in Game
First I wanted to mention that I made this team bases on the team that Jadeash shared on his yt channel. So Jade Ash dont sue me pls! (10) NEW IMPROVED Boss Teams! | Pokemon Revolution Online - YouTube In this topic I will show the default team that makes most bosses and some ones that will be useful for specific bosses. I will also note the closest city and direction, and team for the boss and attack buff etc... ---DEFAULT--- Whismicott: Ability Prankster mandatory! nature doesn't matter to much. Need item Lagging tail. You will need Switchero, Memento and Cotton Spore. Shuckle: Ability Sturdy! You don't need to train Shuckle. You can use any pokemon sturdy, that knows SweetScent and any hazard move. You just need Sweet Scent and Stealth Rock, the others two moves is optional. Golduck: You need an Golduck trained like this. Use item leftovers. You must use this moveset. Ninjask: Ignore my Attack 252 :) Train (Speed:252, HP:252, Def:6) In most cases you need 2 sweepers. I use Ninjask and Gorebyss, but you can use others. You must use this moveset. Use item leftovers. Gorebyss: In most cases you need 2 sweepers. I use Ninjask and Gorebyss, but you can use others. You must use this moveset. Use item leftovers. Pangoro: You need Adamant Pangoro with Ability Mold Breaker. Train Attack and Speed. Use item Focus sash in case the boss attacks you when you swap for him, prevents one shot. "Once Pangoro hits the field, you 're 99.9% guarented to win" -Jadeash. ---EXTRAS POKEMONS--- There are some pokemons that you will need for specifics Bosses in the game. Banette: You just need Banette with item Banettite. You need this moveset. You will start every Boss that start with Mega Evolutions. Slowbro: I just use Slowbro for Boss Steven because he can tank and defeat him easly. You need Slowbronite and this moveset. Klefki: You need Klefki like this, Prankster and Bold or other good defensive nature. Use item Light Clay and this moveset. You will use Klefki against Steven and Erika. Volcarona: I use Volcarona for Erika because she is OP against her. Just copy this Moveset and Nature. Use leftovers. If you use Shuckle low level you will need one pokemon with Sweet Scent level 100 with focus sash (List pokemon that knows Sweet Scent: Sweet Scent | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex) There are some Pokemons that are required to be able to fight some bosses: Boss - Requirements Pokemons: Steven - 2 Steel Pokemons ( use Klefki and one more Steel Pokemon) Lance - 1 Dragon Pokemon Jessie & James - Pikachu ---STRATEGIES--- DEFAULT STRATEGY: Start with Whimsicott and use Switchero. If you survive you can use memento. After Whimsicott choose Shuckle Use Sweet Scent first. Then you use Stealth Rock. After this 2 moves if Shuckle survives you can use flash. After Shuckle, use GOLDUCK. With Golduck you will use Hypnosis (Hypnosis will have 100% accuracy now, because you use Sweet Scent before). After Hypnosis use Substitute. You need to stay behind Substitute most of the time to avoid dying. If he wokes after substitute, repeat hypnosis substitute again. If he's sleeping use flash. You need flash him 6 times. (Thats why I have flash on Shuckle, for stacking it fastest). After blind him, You can let Golduck die or use Hypnosis and Switch for your Sweeper. I use Ninjask as first Sweeper. If Boss's Pokemon wokes and kills you. Just use your Second Sweeper "My Gorebyss". With your sweeper, first you use substitute, and behind substitute use Swords Dance 3x ( or Shell Smash 3x). You can use Protect to heal your Pokemon with leftovers. After use 3x status moves, try to be behind Substitute and use Baton Pass and select Pangoro. (If you use Baton Pass behind Substitute, your pangoro will be behind Substitute and will not use focus sash unecesserly). With Pangoro just Use Power Trip, except Zapdos's Thor, for zapdos use Rock Slide. STRATEGY Banette + DEFAULT; Some Bosses that starts with Mega evolution causing your switchero move to fail and makeing your Shuckle flinch, which can prevent you from using Sweet Scent. ex: Mega Swampert with Waterfall. This strategy is to remove Boss's Mega Pokemon from the field. You can do this by defeating him with destiny bond or sometimes Bosses switchtes to another pokemon. If he switch you can follow default strategy. Start with MEGA BANETTE and use Destiny Bond on Mega Pokemon, if he swaps for other Pokemon, use Phantom force or Sucker Punch or other attack you prefer, just let Banette die on second Pokemon's Boss. And follow Main Strategy. For exemple Jadeash show on video fighting against Brock defeating Mega Steelix with Destiny Bond. STRATEGY DEFAULT * All pokmns Lvl 100; You cannot use Shuckle low level against Maribela and Urahara. You need all pokemons level 100. You can use Shuckle level 100 and you can also use any pokemon with Sweet Scent. Just put item Focus Sash. Pokemons that learn Sweet Scent: Sweet Scent | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex STEVEN STRATEGY Use KLEFKI, SHUCKLE, GOLDUCK, NINJASK, SLOWBRO + 1 Steel Pokemon Start with Klefki and use Reflect, and spikes until Klefki dies, switch for Shuckle and use flash. unitl he dies. Switch for Golduck and flash unit he dies again. After your Golduck, use Slowbro. With Slowbro activate your bracelete for Mega Slowbro. Use 3 times Iron Defense, 6 times Calm Mind. Use Slack Off when your pokemon is below 70% HP to recover your HP. When your Mega Slowbro is buffed 3x Iron defense and 6X Calm Mind, use surf for all pokemons. You will need Pokemon with Iron Defense move, that's why I use Slowbro. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- note: If for exemple i put DEFAULT + POKEMON. Change your second Sweeper for that pokemon. note: Many Bosses have obstacles in their path. I recommend you buy next tools: (Pick Axe, Tree Axe, Shovel, Abseil Rope, Sturdy Hiking Boots) that tools substitute Rock Smash, Cut, Dig, Rock Climb and Waterfall. +++ KANTO +++ Brock (Vermilion -> Digletts Cave) Banette + DEFAULT Chuck (Saffron, Secundary Gym) DEFAULT; Cie (Vermilion Sailor Adam) DEFAULT; Erika (Viridian, Viridian Forest) Use: Whimsicott, Shuckle, Golduck, Klefki, Volcarona, Slowbro. Do Main strategy, but instead using Ninjask, now you use Klefki and use Reflect if you are fighting agains Ferrothorn or use Light Screen if you fighting against Special Attacker Pokemon. Use Thunder Wave and Spikes, let him die for tryhard or switch for Volcarona. With volcarona use Quiver Dance 6 times, use roost for recover your hp. After boost Volcarona just use Fiery Dance most of the time. But i recommend use bug buzz for volcarona vs volcarona. George (Pewter City, Jail) DEFAULT Guardian Entei (Cerulean North, Route 24) DEFAULT Jessie & James (Celadon) DEFAULT + PIKACHU Klohver (Vermilion Sailor for Pinkan Island) DEFAULT Koichi (Saffron Dojo) DEFAULT Naero(Cerulean Cave) DEFAULT Nikola (Saffron, Trainer Valley) - I never did, Nikola. You must have unsuccessfully attempted to capture a Legendary Pokemon. If you defeat a Legendery Pokemon. You will need make this boss to reset Legendery Pokemon Spawn if you want try to catch it again. If anyone knows if the Basic Strategy works, please comment below. Thanks. Officer Jenny (Vermilion, Sailor Pink, Light House 2F) DEFAULT Officer Shamac (Pewter, Jail) Banette + DEFAULT Pre Hax (Vermilion, Sailor Adam, Munchlax Resort) - Must have only 2 Pokemon in team, all fighting moves banned. Sorry but I will look a nice strategy for this boss and upgrade in the future. Professor Oak (Cinnabar Lab) DEFAULT Pumpking King (Lavender, Route 10 and left after) BANETTE + DEFAULT Shary & Shui (Vermilion, Love Sailor, house 2) DEFAULT Terminator (Viridian, Left, Mt Silver Moltres Chamber) DEFAULT; Urahara (Lavender, Pokemon Tower 3F) DEFAULT * All pkmns must have Lvl 100. You need any Hazard + Sweet Scent on your Second Pkmn. Xylos (Vermilion, Eevee House) DEFAULT +++ JOHTO +++ Battle Bot (Olivine, Sailor, Dock Island, left house) DEFAULT Bruno (Ecutreak) Banette + DEFAULT; note: (use earthquake on the last Pokemon) Bugsy (Olivine, Sailor, Dock Island, North) DEFAULT; Gamers Pewdie and Diepy (Goldenrod Casino) DEFAULT; Guardian Suicune (Mahagony, North) DEFAULT; Lance (Blackthorn, North, Dragon Shrine) DEFAULT + 1 Dragon Pokemon; Lorelei (Blackthorn, Ice Cave) DEFAULT; Misty (Olivine, Left, South Route 41) DEFAULT; Neroli (Azalea, Left, ILEX FOREST) DEFAULT; Professor ELM (Violet, South-west, Ruins of Alph) DEFAULT; Sage (Violet, Sprout Tower) DEFAULT; Thor (Olivine, Left, South Route 41, Whirpool, cave, south) DEFAULT; note: use Rock Slide on Zapdos. +++ HOENN +++ Gingery Jones (Lavaridge, Right, Fiery Path excavation) DEFAULT; Guardian Raikou (Mauvile, Route 110, Secret Base Alpha) DEFAULT; Lt. Surge (Mauvile, Route 110, Power Plant) DEFAULT; Morty (Lylicove, Left, Mt.Pyre) Banette * DEFAULT; Naruto Fanboy (Mauvile, North, Desert, South Regirock Cave) DEFAULT; Professor Birch (Verdanturf, House 2) Banette + DEFAULT note: Medicham its not Mega, but u need kill medicham first before Default strat. Steven (Lavaridge, South, Valley Steel) Steven Strategy; Tigerous (Lylicove, Sailor, Eumi Island) Banette + DEFAULT Toothless (Slateport, South, West, Abandoned Ship) DEFAULT; +++ SINNOH +++ Ash Westbrook (Eterna, Right, Meteor Cave) DEFAULT; Letrix (Floaroma, Right, Vailey Windworks, Mountain Secret Passage) DEFAULT; Link (Sandgem, Left, South, TWINLEAF TOWN) DEFAULT; Logan (Celestic, Right, Route 210 North, Cave of Justice) DEFAULT; Maribela (Floaroma, Right, Water Path Left Side, F. Meadow) DEFAULT * All pkmns must have Lvl 100. Medusa & Eldir (Oreburgh, left, Ore gate, North, Legends Cave) DEFAULT; Professor Rowan (Jubilife City, House Left Pokecenter) DEFAULT; Saphirr (Survival Area, Right, Route 227) DEFAULT + 1 Fire Pokemon Spectify (Sandgem Town) Banette + DEFAULT; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewards List : .... coming