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  1. Auction won by @Melankomas for 600k.
  2. 600k by @Melankomas
  3. 550k by @DrakuGamerxD
  4. Auction has started. 400k by 331515.
  5. Auction won by @Melankomas for 600k. Contact Me: IGN: nunonitrox
  6. Want to reserve the Swampert lv 100, 26 atk, 22 speed for 250k.
  7. Hello, so I was fighting Jotho's Elite Four, more precisely, I was already fighting Lance, and twice in a row, the servers went down, so I lost about 9 Revives, 10+ Hyper Potions and a bunch of berries, and now I don't have any money to buy more of it so I can't beat Elite Four, is there nothing I can do about it except farm money/exp until I can try to beat it again? Best regards, nunonitrox
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