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Everything posted by Zazelion

  1. Hi, is this 2 mon still available? If yes I'd like to buy em. Can contact me in game or on discord. Both id is zazelion ^^
  2. What hp is it?
  3. @Demihumans still waiting for you to trade... Contact me in game or discord ID: zazelion
  4. @Demihumans congrats bro, u won the auction with 70k. Pls contact me in game or on discord My IGN & discord ID is zazelion
  5. 4+ hours left
  6. 70k by Demihumans
  7. 60k by Harry17
  8. Started by Manav861
  9. Applicable for mon:- Start price: 50k Min bid: 10k Insta: N/A --Auction ends after 24 hrs of starting price triggered for each mon-- *Accept cash only C.o 50 by Manav861 Time left: https://countingdownto.com/?c=5800712
  10. Done trade, thank you for participating
  11. Auction ended. Congrats to @Harry17 for winning the bid for 150k. Contact me in game or on discord. Discord ID & IGN: zazelion
  12. Start tang
  13. Noted, thank you. My apologies
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