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Everything posted by Whitt

  1. you won bro let me know when you can collect
  2. Accepted payment(s): Selling this amazing Sassy Tyranitar! S.O: 200k Min bid: 1k No insta 48hr Auction https://countingdownto.com/?c=6095887 Please remember if a bid is placed within the final 15 minutes of the auction, the auction will be extended by a further 15 min. If bidding from Silver, please clearly state you will transfer to Gold if you happen to win. GOOD LUCK!
  3. You won mate. Let me know which server your on and when we can meet
  4. Accepted payment(s): Welcome to the Auction for this beautiful Trick Room Alolan Marowak! I am currently based in Gold Server, but will transfer to Silver if necessary. C.O: 1.4m MIn bid: 50k Insta: 5m 48hr auction https://countingdownto.com/?c=6056032 Please remember if a bid is placed within the final 15 minutes of the auction, the auction will be extended by a further 15 min. GOOD LUCK!
  5. Ill be on in 10 min mate
  6. 300k by Darkray8
  7. Bump
  8. 180k bid by abbixx
  9. 160k by Qwertyqwerty08
  10. Accepted Payment(s): Selling this AMAZING Alolan Marowak! I am currently based in Gold server, if bidding from Silver please remember you will need to transfer if you win! C.O: 300k by Darkray8 Min Raise: 10k No Insta 48hr Auction from first bid! https://countingdownto.com/?c=6031639 Please remember the auction will be extended by 15 minutes if a bid is placed with 15 minutes remaining! Good luck!
  11. will transfer my alt over now
  12. 500k craw
  13. 700k Altaria 400k crawdaunt will transfer if i win
  14. @Zent168 on now gold server
  15. im assuming i won the kommo-o?
  16. Can we have a picture of the deino?
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