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Everything posted by Whitt

  1. 2.2m, currently on silver will transfer back to gold if i win
  2. sorry bro gren ended over an hour ago, 705k bid is the winning bid
  3. Ill try and get on around 9 my time which is like 4 hours. Whats your discord ill pm you when im on
  4. 1.5m bid by Mamaboy
  5. Charizard Auction finished! Orocky wins with 3.05m bid! Congrats
  6. noted! Ends 72hrs from bid, countdown added to post
  7. Accepted payment(s) Currently Based in Gold Server but will transfer if need ofc! C.O = 4.1m by Magikarpsh Min raise = 100k No Insta Ends 72hrs after start! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5754904 GOOD LUCK!
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