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  1. I am wanting to start a new game, but I just found out paid items do not transfer between servers (idk why they would not). Could my items be removed from one server and added to another? Or just reset my current server's save and get the items added again. My items are just the qol tools like the axe, shovel, and pickaxe.
  2. Ok good to know, didnt see it stated! Wish it were sooner tho :<
  3. Spending 10 minutes fishing with a good rod to find 2 pokemon is kind of ridiculous. I'm not asking to find rarer pokemon, I just want to find A pokemon. Why is the encounter rate of anything so terrible? My suggestion is to have a pokemon encounter every 10 casts AT LEAST. I don't know why it is so low to begin with.. is it to support realistic fishing? I really would rather play a fishing simulator for that. Pros: give something to do other than press fishing button 200 times praying for a pokemon, and possibly level up a pokemon good vs water types Cons: annoys people who don't want magikarp spam
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