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Everything posted by Kizspr0x

  1. norex pm me take pkm
  2. i fogot, I've edited
  3. So1m min100k end last 1day
  4. Crawdaunt so 1m min 100k Marowak so 1m min 100k Porygon so 1m min 100k all end last 1day
  5. Offer pm me discord: dyahx09
  6. start 500k min bid 200k end in 24h
  7. start kingdra 2nd
  8. Start: 1m Min bid: 100k Instant : 4m accept : cc, rr, $ in game End in :2d after first bid
  9. End
  10. Dear staff, i need your help. i ev just activated my MS 4 day ago. But today my MS has gone out and i dont know why. Please help me check it and restore my MS again. Thank you! Ingame:Kizspr0x Server:Gold
  11. S.O 700k Min raise 100k Time 24h Accepted payment(s): pokedollar CC 350k Rare candy 8k
  12. WELCOME ----- Kiszpr0x ----- POKEMON STORE HERE WE SPECIALIZED IN SUPPLY PVP POKEMON POKE TRAINED ALL PRICES NEGOTIABLE APPECT: POKE$/CC 350K/RR 750K/NTR RR 350K RULE: SHOP POKEMOM: Currently there are many Pokemon in training, we will continuously update the Pokemon. SHOP MOUNT: Discord: kizsspr0x # 0348 In game: Kizspr0x. Good luck
  13. I want to sell it Pay the price!
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