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About Pujantamang

  • Birthday 03/13/2001

Personal Information

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    Pujan Tamang#4424
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Pujantamang's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Well accidental releases can happen. Specially when we're releasing mass amount of Pokemons. Let's say you're releasing several froakie, but want to keep one of them. But you accidentally released the only you wanted to keep. You wouldn't be able to know which one is the one you wanted to keep. But if you could review your released Pokemons , you'd know which one is which and can easily restore it.
  2. Let us review the Pokemon we just released just to make sure we released the right one.
  3. Discord id Pujan Tamang#4424
  4. Pujan Tamang#4424
  5. You can Contact me on discord #Pujan Tamang4424
  6. You can Contact me on discord #Pujan Tamang4424
  7. 2.1m
  8. 450k mudkip
  9. Sold to xxxrosxxx for 55k
  10. Mistake
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