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  1. hello i was battling morty (boss) but every boss i faced when i use baton pass its picks diffrent pokemon than the one i picked, and i was sure there is bug because when i use baton pass on pangero the gmae picked klefki while klefki is dead. so please fixed it and if its possble remove the cool down from morty
  2. hi i have dfeated entei guardian and i have the laba bell but entei didnt spawn so i didnt catch him. what should i do? ( entei guradian in cerlueon cave that one i beat )
  3. hello everyone i was hoping if you can tell me when will astrealla reigon be available to play?
  4. hi all when will astrella region come out?
  5. @Happymango i sent a screen
  6. i have problem in lilycova i cant go to ship, everytime i try to there it says im hungry, lets go to the pokemart quickly. what should i do?
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